Who is Kaal/ Shaitan/ Satan/ Devil?
Kaal, Satan, Shaitan, Devil is the supreme spirit of evil. The huge form of this wicked spirit has a thousand heads, ears, eyes and feet; this demonic being has horns and cloven hooves. This devil is known by various names in different religions. GOD, and Saints who attained GOD have called him 'Kaal'. He is 'Jyot Swaroopi Niranjan (Kshar Purush)', and Vedas call him 'Brahm'.
Christians call this crooked spirit as Satan.
In Islam, they call him Shaitan or Iblis as mentioned in Quran. In Hebrew, it means an adversary. Greeks call it a devil (diabolos). The Gospel writers use the term 'daimonion' for Satan/ Devil.
True Facts & Story About Kaal / Shaitan / Satan / Devil in Kabir Sagar
This universe has been created by the Supreme Almighty God Kabir (KavirDev). He created this Kaal by His word power from an egg in the beginning of universe creation. His original name was 'Kael'. At the beginning he used to reside in the eternal place 'Satlok' but due to his misconduct, he was expelled by the Supreme God and was given the name 'Kaal'.
Brahm-Kaal, Shaitan or Satan is the King / Lord of twenty-one brahamands which are destructible. Everything in this region (lok) is perishable. This satan / Kaal has captured all the living beings of this world (where we all souls are living) in the cage of the three regions (loks) thereby entangling all in the jaal (net / web) of karm-bharm and sins-virtues. Kaal has misled every living being by his Trigunmayee (three Gunas) Maya.
This Brahm-Kaal / devil gets supernatural powers from the Supreme God KavirDev. He has done various creations in his 21 brahamands (Universes / Multiverses) and lives in 21st MahaBrahmand where there is a Tapatshila (huge rock which automatically remains very hot). There he prepares his food. He is cursed to eat the grime of one lakh (sukshma / subtle) immaterial bodies of human beings every day and produce a lakh and a quarter every day. This Kaal / Satan / Shaitan depicts the negative energy and is associated with destruction (death). Therefore, he kills and troubles human beings.
Can Brahm-Kaal/Shaitan/Satan be Seen?
Kaal's (Satan, Devil): consort is Goddess maa Durga and he is the father of Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. He has pledged he will not appear before anyone in his real form because he is cursed to eat one-lakh human beings and does not want the world, especially his sons to know this secret, else they will not perform the task of creation, preservation, and destruction. Therefore, he is considered unmanifested / invisible. He remains hidden with his Yogmaya (mystic powers).
Evidence in Gita Adhyay 7, Shlok 25 | Kaal (Shaitan, Satan, devil).
Kaal (Shaitan, satan, Devil) says in Holy Bhagavad Gita chapter 7 Shlok 25:
Arjun I remain hidden with my yog maya (mystic powers), I do not come in front of anyone. This is my bad (cheap) firm rule, this is my incorruptible rule. Foolish people, not knowing my bad ie. Inferior, eternal, main character, consider the unmanifested / invisible me as having come in human form i.e. I am not Krishna.
Gita Adhyay 11, Shlok 47 & 48 | Kaal (Shaitan, satan, Devil):
This is my actual Kaal form. Nobody can see this ie. attain Brahm by any method mentioned in the Vedas, or by jap, tap, or by any other activity.